py-sym2num | | Sympy to numpy code generator |
py-symath | | symbolic mathematics for python |
py-symbolic | | Library for dealing with symbol files and more |
py-symbolic-equation | | Class for multiline symbolic equations in the Jupyter Notebook |
py-symcxx | | SymCXX is an experimental Python for symbolic manipulation |
py-symeig | | Symmetrical eigenvalue routines for NumPy |
py-symEnergy | | Lagrange multiplier based energy market toy modeling framework |
py-symlens | | Symbolic Mode Coupling |
py-sympad | | Graphical symbolic math calculator / scratchpad using SymPy |
py-symphysics | | The symphysics library for creating physics simulations using python and sympy |
py-sympy-to-c | | Simple library to create importable C-functions from sympy |
py-sympy2c | | Sympy to c compiler including solving odes at c level |
py-sympycore | | SympyCore an efficient pure Python Computer Algebra System |
py-t3m | | Tinker toys for topologists |
py-tablib-garetjax | | Format agnostic tabular data library (XLS, JSON, YAML, CSV) |
py-tagger | | ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag library in Python |
py-taglib | | Python bindings for the taglib audio file tagging library |
py-talk2stat | | Python package to communicate with statistical software |
py-tappy | | Tidal analysis program in python |
py-tardis-sn | | TARDIS - Temperature And Radiative Diffusion In Supernovae |
py-tashaphyne | | Tashaphyne Arabic Light Stemmer |
py-tasphyne | | Arabic Light Stemmer and Segmentor |
py-tatsu | | Python parsers from grammars in a variation of EBNF |
py-tblib | | Serialization library for Exceptions and Tracebacks |
py-teafiles | | Time Series storage in flat files |
py-teamcity | | Send test results to TeamCity continuous integration server |
py-techdebt | | Technical debt tracker package |
py-technicolor | | Logging in colour |
py-telegram-bot | | Python Telegram Bot library |
py-telepathy | | Python bindings for the Telepathy framework |
py-teng | | Python binding for teng |
py-teradata | | The Teradata python module for DevOps enabled SQL |
py-test-mpl | | Pytest plugin to help with testing figures output from Matplotlib |
py-test-nbval | | Py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks |
py-test-ordering | | Pytest plugin to run your tests in a specific order |
py-test-repeat | | pytest plugin for repeating tests |
py-test-vcr | | py-test plugin for managing cassettes |
py-testing-common-database | | utilities for testing.* packages |
py-tex2pix | | Lightweight renderer of LaTeX to a variety of graphics formats |
py-texext | | Sphinx extensions for working with LaTeX math |
py-texml | | Convert TeXML to LaTeX or ConTeXt |
py-textblob | | Python library for processing textual data |
py-textdistance | | Compute distance between the two texts |
py-textx | | Domain-Specific Languages and parsers in Python made easy |
py-thermistor | | Thermistor voltage to temperature and associated utilites |
py-thermo | | Chemical properties component of ChEDL |
py-thermopy | | Some utilities for Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry |
py-thermostat | | Calculate connected thermostat savings |
py-thinc | | TODO: Short description of the package |
py-three-merge | | Simple library for merging two strings with respect to a base one |
py-tils | | Russian-specific string utils |
py-timeago | | Used to format datetime with time ago statement |
py-timeline | | Timeline module for modelling a series of actions |
py-tinyarray | | Arrays of numbers for Python, optimized for small sizes |
py-tinygrad | | Something between PyTorch and karpathy/micrograd |
py-tklsystem | | Tkinter interface to work with L-System equations |
py-tldr | | Python command line client for tldr |
py-tmatrix | | Python code for T-matrix scattering calculations |
py-tmux | | Simple wrapper for tmux |
py-toeplitz | | Wrapper for fortran 90 toeplitz package |
py-toleranceinterval | | Library for one-sided bounds and two-sided tolerance intervals |
py-Tooling | | Collection of useful classes, decorators, meta-classes and exceptions |
py-topkapi | | TOPKAPI hydrological model in Python |
py-toro | | Synchronization primitives for Tornado coroutines |
py-toronado | | Fast lxml-based CSS stylesheet inliner |
py-toscawidgets | | Web widget creation toolkit based on TurboGears widgets |
py-towncrier | | Building newsfiles for your project |
py-traceInv | | Computes the trace of the inverse of matrix or linear matrix function |
py-traces | | Library for unevenly-spaced time series analysis |
py-tracks | | Analysis tools for Molecular Dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations |
py-traits | | Manifest typing and reactive programming for Python |
py-tranquil | | Integrating SQLAlchemy with Django |
py-transaction | | Transaction management for Python |
py-translationstring | | Library for i18n relied on by various Repoze and Pyramid |
py-tribe | | Graph extraction tool for email MBox files |
py-trie3 | | Python implementation of the trie data structure |
py-trimesh | | Import, export, process, analyze and view triangular meshes |
py-trio-websocket | | WebSocket library for Trio |
py-trollius | | Module asyncio, for writing single-threaded concurrent code |
py-trottersuzuki | | Massively parallel implementation of the Trotter-Suzuki decomposition |
py-trufflehog3 | | Find secrets in your codebase |
py-tsgeom | | Python package for computing simple geometries on TS data |
py-ttk | | Ttk Python wrapper |
py-turbojson | | Python template plugin for TurboGears that supports json |
py-twilio | | Twilio API client and TwiML generator |
py-twisted-csp | | Go-style channels for Twisted |
py-twisted-kqueue | | Python interface to kqueue, suitable for Twisted |
py-twistml | | TWItter STock market Machine Learning package |
py-txdbus | | Python implementation of the DBus protocol for Twisted applications |
py-txWS | | Twisted WebSockets wrapper |
py-txZMQ | | Twisted bindings for ZeroMQ |
py-typedecorator | | Decorator-based type checking library for Python 2 and 3 |
py-typedload | | Load and dump data from json-like format into typed data structures |
py-u2flib-server | | Python based U2F server library |
py-ua-parser | | Python implementation of the UA Parser |
py-ubjson | | Universal Binary JSON encoder/decoder |
py-ueberzug | | Command line utility which allows drawing images on terminals |
py-umalqurra | | Date Api that support Hijri Umalqurra calendar |
py-unidecode | | ASCII transliterations of Unicode text |
py-unidiff | | Unified diff python parsing/metadata extraction library |
mk | | Subfolder |